If you have a number pad then select an object, as long as you don’t set the object down you can use the – and + keys to cycle through the swatches.
To enlarge or shrink objects you can use the buttons respectfully.
Unless you enable bb.moveobject cheat to allow for this.
Holding down the Alt key allows you to move objects off of the grid to wherever you want as long as they don’t overlap other objects.
This can also be used if you want to make a magical build with floating objects.
To move objects up or down if they don’t fit perfectly on shelves or other items, you can press the number 9 to move things up.
So what are these shortcuts? Keyboard Shortcuts They are hinted at in the loading screens and you can find them deep in the tutorials, if you wanted to read them. But there are a bunch of shortcuts in build mode, that you aren’t mentioned explicitly while you are building. From size of the room to roof pitch to window height. There are tons of ways you can do things from clicking and dragging on all of the options. When you start playing Sims 4, you create a family then get to buy or create your own house. These help support the blog, so I can keep creating content. This post may contain affiliate or referral codes, for which I receive a small compensation and you get a discount in exchange.